My Quotes
There is no day without night, no light without darkness, no sun without a moon. Living a Day, embedded in sunlight and dreaming thru a dark night spotlighted by stars as bright. Embracing the night as much as enjoying the day as it's in its darkness your dreams are born only to be lived fully at daylight... Life is nothing but a dream, nothing but a dream. ANAM - October 2018 |
No one else but you can decide how you should live the rest of your life. Be happy with your choices, because you make them for you. you can only make other happy, if and when you make yourself happy. ANAM - September 2018 |
Its OK to live one day at a time! As long as you are really living it...
ANAM - October 2018
When you feel that you can not see yourself tomorrow; or you seem to have lost your ability to dream, live every minute as if it was the last, and you will live every single minute fully, you will be giving a whole great new meaning to each second of every minute of your life. ANAM - September 2018 |
Struggles feed your resilience, your determination. What makes you, may be the same thing that breaks you, the exact same thing that makes you smile, will make you cry, what gives you happiness can also give you pain ... but it is what you chose to do with that pain, how you chose to deal with it that makes the whole difference. ANAM - September 2018 |
Who are you really? Who am I? Who are we beyond the shell visible to everyone? Who are we if not what is inside our skin, flesh and bones, what we insist to keep away from all, because we fear pain, because we fear hurt... we are the cloud in the sky resembling anything but a cloud, we are the sunset that amazes for its reach in the horizon, for the colors it irradiates, we are the flowers we love to touch and smell, we are the smile we generously give when we see beauty when we feel love, we are everything we do and say when is felt, when it comes from the heart... anything else is just the armor we use to shield ourselves from the storms around us.
ANAM - October 2018 |
What can you see when you look at a mirror? Do you like what you see? Can you see beyond your eyes? Can you reach your soul and expose yourself so what you really are is bare for everyone to see? The Best of you is uncovered... the beauty of you revealed beyond the skin that protects the preciousness you are... that is a rare gem hidden under layers of skin and clothing...let it shine through ... let it reflect, let that mirror show you inside out... let it show the real you. ANAM - October 2018 |